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I heard the president addressed the nation on race relations like he always does AFTER a major race issue in our nation.
Going back in history:
C.S Lewis warned against a spirit of compromise that was but a cloak to cover up the nakedness of irresolution and timidity.
C.S Lewis warned America against “tempted to make unnecessary concessions to those outside America’s faith”. “We give in too much… there comes a time when we must show that we disagree. We must show our Christian colors. We cannot remain silent or concede everything away.”
Clearly, the White House wants the culture war to pass away. President Bush said as much when his Florida victory was given to him by the Supreme Court:
“I believe things happen for a reason, and I hope the long wait of the last five weeks will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and the partisanship of the recent past.
Our nation must rise above a house divided. Americans share hope and goals and value far more important than any political disagreements.”
“Isn’t it pretty to think so?” said Jack in the sad final line of The Sun Also Rise, But the truth is that America is a house divided, and as Chilton Williamson, Jr., writes in the Chronicles
“America does not share hopes and goals and values. That is what the culture war is all about.”
Chilton Williamson, Jr., writes “America is a house divided by a culture war not willing to live and let live”
W. E. B. Du Bois distinctly asks that black people DO NOT GIVE UP ON three things,—
First, political power, Second, insistence on civil rights, Third, education of our youth
What do we have today:
The disfranchisement of African Americans The steady withdrawal of aid from institutions for learning and training of African Americans. The dehumanizing and stereotyping of Black youth. Blacks currently make up about 38 percent of inmates in state and federal prisons. Most black households had zero or negative wealth. Home values account for nearly 60% of an average black family’s wealth. The housing crisis has wiped out an entire generation of black wealth. Arizona, passed a law that would make the study of the role of African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans and Native-Americans illegal.
For over 400 hundred years Jews lived in Eastern and Western Europe. Eastern European Jews lived a separate life as a minority within the culture of the majority. They spoke their own language, Yiddish, which combines elements of German and Hebrew.
Western Europe—Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Belgium—made up much less of the population and tended to adopt the culture of their non-Jewish neighbors. They dressed and talked like their countrymen and traditional religious practices and Yiddish culture played a less important part in their lives. They tended to have had more formal education than Eastern European Jews and to live in towns or cities.
When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, Jews were living in every country of Europe. A total of roughly nine million Jews lived in the countries that would be occupied by Germany during World War II. By the end of the war, two out of every three of these Jews would be dead, and European Jewish life would be changed forever.
African Americans, how does it feel to be a problem?