Bank and Non-Bank Forum on Mortgage Servicing Compliance
We would like to address your concerns as a homeowner. If you have any questions for the banking industry in regards to the loan modification process, dual tracking, and principal reduction, you can submit your questions and concerns for Marie to address on her trip to Washington D.C.
Marie Deary, Senior Financial Advisor at Wealth Management Financial Advisors will be attending the Bank and Non-Bank Forum on Mortgage Servicing Complaince this week in Washington D.C. Bankers, Servicers and government officials will be in attendance of this conference to discuss the housing market on the ground level.
This conference will be addressing issues in regards to Loan Modification including dual tracking and new regulations that will go into effect January 1, 2014 and how they will affect homeowners.
Wealth Management’s staff has already assembled a list of concerns to be addressed to government officials and bank representatives based on our observations.